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rpclibrary is a websocket on steroids!

How to install

npm i rpclibrary


import {Backend, Frontend} from 'rpclibrary'

const echo = (x) => x

const server = new Backend.RPCServer(20000, [{
    name: 'HelloWorldRPCGroup',
    exportRPCs: ()  => [
        echo, //named function variable
        function echof(x){ return x }, //named function
            name: 'echoExplicit', //describing object
            call: async (x) => x

const client = new Frontend.RPCSocket(20000, 'localhost')

client.connect().then(async () => {
    const r0 = await client['HelloWorldRPCGroup'].echo('Hello')
    const r1 = await client['HelloWorldRPCGroup'].echof('World')
    const r2 = await client['HelloWorldRPCGroup'].echoExplicit('RPC!')

    console.log(r0,r1,r2) //Hello World RPC!

Using callbacks

rpclibrary offers a special type of call that can be used with callbacks

import {Backend, Frontend, Utils} from 'rpclibrary'

const callbacks:Map<string, Function> = new Map()

const server = new Backend.RPCServer(20000, [{
    name: 'HelloWorldRPCGroup',
    exportRPCs: ()  => [
        function  triggerCallbacks(...messages){ callbacks.forEach(cb => cb.apply({}, messages)) },
            name: 'subscribe',
            hook: async (callback) => {
                const resp = Utils.makeSubResponse()
                callbacks.set(resp.uuid, callback); 
                return resp
            name: 'unsubscribe',
            call: async (uuid) => { callbacks.delete(uuid) }

const client = new Frontend.RPCSocket(20000, 'localhost')
client.connect().then(async () => {
    const res = await client['HelloWorldRPCGroup'].subscribe(async (...args:any) => {
        console.log.apply(console, args)

        /* close the callbacks once you're done */
        await client['HelloWorldRPCGroup'].unsubscribe(res.uuid)

    await client['HelloWorldRPCGroup'].triggerCallbacks("Hello", "World", "Callbacks")

Experimental typing support

It is possible to declare pseudo-interfaces for servers and clients

type MyInterface = RPCInterface<{ 
    Group1: { 
        triggerCallbacks: (...args:any[]) => Promise<void>,
        subscribe: (param:string, callback:Function) => Promise<SubscriptionResponse<{a: string}>>,
        unsubscribe: (uuid:string) => Promise<void>
    Group2: {
        echo: (x:string) => Promise<string>

Create a client using

RPCSocket.makeSocket<MyInterface>(port, host).then((async (client) => {
    const r = await client.Group2.echo("hee") //tsc knows about available RPCs 

/* OR */

const client = new Frontend.RPCSocket(20000, 'localhost')
client.connect<MyInterface>().then((async (client) => {
    const r = await client.Group2.echo("hee") //tsc knows about available RPCs 

Create a server using

new RPCServer<{a:string}, MyInterface>(20001, 
        name: 'Group2', //Auto completion for names
        exportRPCs: () => [{
            name: 'echo', //this name too!
            call: async (x) => x+"llo World!" //the paramter and return types are known by tsc 

