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constants.d.ts 8.7KB

  1. declare module "constants" {
  2. const E2BIG: number;
  3. const EACCES: number;
  4. const EADDRINUSE: number;
  5. const EADDRNOTAVAIL: number;
  6. const EAFNOSUPPORT: number;
  7. const EAGAIN: number;
  8. const EALREADY: number;
  9. const EBADF: number;
  10. const EBADMSG: number;
  11. const EBUSY: number;
  12. const ECANCELED: number;
  13. const ECHILD: number;
  14. const ECONNABORTED: number;
  15. const ECONNREFUSED: number;
  16. const ECONNRESET: number;
  17. const EDEADLK: number;
  18. const EDESTADDRREQ: number;
  19. const EDOM: number;
  20. const EEXIST: number;
  21. const EFAULT: number;
  22. const EFBIG: number;
  23. const EHOSTUNREACH: number;
  24. const EIDRM: number;
  25. const EILSEQ: number;
  26. const EINPROGRESS: number;
  27. const EINTR: number;
  28. const EINVAL: number;
  29. const EIO: number;
  30. const EISCONN: number;
  31. const EISDIR: number;
  32. const ELOOP: number;
  33. const EMFILE: number;
  34. const EMLINK: number;
  35. const EMSGSIZE: number;
  36. const ENAMETOOLONG: number;
  37. const ENETDOWN: number;
  38. const ENETRESET: number;
  39. const ENETUNREACH: number;
  40. const ENFILE: number;
  41. const ENOBUFS: number;
  42. const ENODATA: number;
  43. const ENODEV: number;
  44. const ENOENT: number;
  45. const ENOEXEC: number;
  46. const ENOLCK: number;
  47. const ENOLINK: number;
  48. const ENOMEM: number;
  49. const ENOMSG: number;
  50. const ENOPROTOOPT: number;
  51. const ENOSPC: number;
  52. const ENOSR: number;
  53. const ENOSTR: number;
  54. const ENOSYS: number;
  55. const ENOTCONN: number;
  56. const ENOTDIR: number;
  57. const ENOTEMPTY: number;
  58. const ENOTSOCK: number;
  59. const ENOTSUP: number;
  60. const ENOTTY: number;
  61. const ENXIO: number;
  62. const EOPNOTSUPP: number;
  63. const EOVERFLOW: number;
  64. const EPERM: number;
  65. const EPIPE: number;
  66. const EPROTO: number;
  67. const EPROTONOSUPPORT: number;
  68. const EPROTOTYPE: number;
  69. const ERANGE: number;
  70. const EROFS: number;
  71. const ESPIPE: number;
  72. const ESRCH: number;
  73. const ETIME: number;
  74. const ETIMEDOUT: number;
  75. const ETXTBSY: number;
  76. const EWOULDBLOCK: number;
  77. const EXDEV: number;
  78. const WSAEINTR: number;
  79. const WSAEBADF: number;
  80. const WSAEACCES: number;
  81. const WSAEFAULT: number;
  82. const WSAEINVAL: number;
  83. const WSAEMFILE: number;
  84. const WSAEWOULDBLOCK: number;
  85. const WSAEINPROGRESS: number;
  86. const WSAEALREADY: number;
  87. const WSAENOTSOCK: number;
  88. const WSAEDESTADDRREQ: number;
  89. const WSAEMSGSIZE: number;
  90. const WSAEPROTOTYPE: number;
  91. const WSAENOPROTOOPT: number;
  92. const WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: number;
  93. const WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: number;
  94. const WSAEOPNOTSUPP: number;
  95. const WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: number;
  96. const WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: number;
  97. const WSAEADDRINUSE: number;
  98. const WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: number;
  99. const WSAENETDOWN: number;
  100. const WSAENETUNREACH: number;
  101. const WSAENETRESET: number;
  102. const WSAECONNABORTED: number;
  103. const WSAECONNRESET: number;
  104. const WSAENOBUFS: number;
  105. const WSAEISCONN: number;
  106. const WSAENOTCONN: number;
  107. const WSAESHUTDOWN: number;
  108. const WSAETOOMANYREFS: number;
  109. const WSAETIMEDOUT: number;
  110. const WSAECONNREFUSED: number;
  111. const WSAELOOP: number;
  112. const WSAENAMETOOLONG: number;
  113. const WSAEHOSTDOWN: number;
  114. const WSAEHOSTUNREACH: number;
  115. const WSAENOTEMPTY: number;
  116. const WSAEPROCLIM: number;
  117. const WSAEUSERS: number;
  118. const WSAEDQUOT: number;
  119. const WSAESTALE: number;
  120. const WSAEREMOTE: number;
  121. const WSASYSNOTREADY: number;
  122. const WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: number;
  123. const WSANOTINITIALISED: number;
  124. const WSAEDISCON: number;
  125. const WSAENOMORE: number;
  126. const WSAECANCELLED: number;
  127. const WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE: number;
  128. const WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER: number;
  129. const WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT: number;
  130. const WSASYSCALLFAILURE: number;
  131. const WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND: number;
  132. const WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: number;
  133. const WSA_E_NO_MORE: number;
  134. const WSA_E_CANCELLED: number;
  135. const WSAEREFUSED: number;
  136. const SIGHUP: number;
  137. const SIGINT: number;
  138. const SIGILL: number;
  139. const SIGABRT: number;
  140. const SIGFPE: number;
  141. const SIGKILL: number;
  142. const SIGSEGV: number;
  143. const SIGTERM: number;
  144. const SIGBREAK: number;
  145. const SIGWINCH: number;
  146. const SSL_OP_ALL: number;
  149. const SSL_OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECT: number;
  150. const SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE: number;
  151. const SSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG: number;
  153. const SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA: number;
  154. const SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT: number;
  155. const SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER: number;
  156. const SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG: number;
  157. const SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING: number;
  158. const SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG: number;
  159. const SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG: number;
  162. const SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION: number;
  163. const SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU: number;
  165. const SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2: number;
  166. const SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3: number;
  167. const SSL_OP_NO_TICKET: number;
  168. const SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1: number;
  169. const SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1: number;
  170. const SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2: number;
  171. const SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1: number;
  172. const SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2: number;
  173. const SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE: number;
  174. const SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE: number;
  175. const SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG: number;
  176. const SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG: number;
  177. const SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG: number;
  178. const SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG: number;
  179. const SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG: number;
  180. const ENGINE_METHOD_DSA: number;
  181. const ENGINE_METHOD_DH: number;
  182. const ENGINE_METHOD_RAND: number;
  183. const ENGINE_METHOD_ECDH: number;
  184. const ENGINE_METHOD_ECDSA: number;
  185. const ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS: number;
  186. const ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS: number;
  187. const ENGINE_METHOD_STORE: number;
  188. const ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHS: number;
  189. const ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHS: number;
  190. const ENGINE_METHOD_ALL: number;
  191. const ENGINE_METHOD_NONE: number;
  192. const DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME: number;
  193. const DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME: number;
  194. const DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR: number;
  195. const DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR: number;
  196. const NPN_ENABLED: number;
  197. const RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: number;
  198. const RSA_SSLV23_PADDING: number;
  199. const RSA_NO_PADDING: number;
  200. const RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING: number;
  201. const RSA_X931_PADDING: number;
  202. const RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING: number;
  205. const POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID: number;
  206. const O_RDONLY: number;
  207. const O_WRONLY: number;
  208. const O_RDWR: number;
  209. const S_IFMT: number;
  210. const S_IFREG: number;
  211. const S_IFDIR: number;
  212. const S_IFCHR: number;
  213. const S_IFBLK: number;
  214. const S_IFIFO: number;
  215. const S_IFSOCK: number;
  216. const S_IRWXU: number;
  217. const S_IRUSR: number;
  218. const S_IWUSR: number;
  219. const S_IXUSR: number;
  220. const S_IRWXG: number;
  221. const S_IRGRP: number;
  222. const S_IWGRP: number;
  223. const S_IXGRP: number;
  224. const S_IRWXO: number;
  225. const S_IROTH: number;
  226. const S_IWOTH: number;
  227. const S_IXOTH: number;
  228. const S_IFLNK: number;
  229. const O_CREAT: number;
  230. const O_EXCL: number;
  231. const O_NOCTTY: number;
  232. const O_DIRECTORY: number;
  233. const O_NOATIME: number;
  234. const O_NOFOLLOW: number;
  235. const O_SYNC: number;
  236. const O_DSYNC: number;
  237. const O_SYMLINK: number;
  238. const O_DIRECT: number;
  239. const O_NONBLOCK: number;
  240. const O_TRUNC: number;
  241. const O_APPEND: number;
  242. const F_OK: number;
  243. const R_OK: number;
  244. const W_OK: number;
  245. const X_OK: number;
  246. const COPYFILE_EXCL: number;
  247. const COPYFILE_FICLONE: number;
  248. const COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE: number;
  249. const UV_UDP_REUSEADDR: number;
  250. const SIGQUIT: number;
  251. const SIGTRAP: number;
  252. const SIGIOT: number;
  253. const SIGBUS: number;
  254. const SIGUSR1: number;
  255. const SIGUSR2: number;
  256. const SIGPIPE: number;
  257. const SIGALRM: number;
  258. const SIGCHLD: number;
  259. const SIGSTKFLT: number;
  260. const SIGCONT: number;
  261. const SIGSTOP: number;
  262. const SIGTSTP: number;
  263. const SIGTTIN: number;
  264. const SIGTTOU: number;
  265. const SIGURG: number;
  266. const SIGXCPU: number;
  267. const SIGXFSZ: number;
  268. const SIGVTALRM: number;
  269. const SIGPROF: number;
  270. const SIGIO: number;
  271. const SIGPOLL: number;
  272. const SIGPWR: number;
  273. const SIGSYS: number;
  274. const SIGUNUSED: number;
  275. const defaultCoreCipherList: string;
  276. const defaultCipherList: string;
  277. const ENGINE_METHOD_RSA: number;
  278. const ALPN_ENABLED: number;
  279. }