[rpclibrary](../README.md) › [Globals](../globals.md) › ["Utils"](_utils_.md)

# External module: "Utils"

## Index

### Functions

* [extractArgs](_utils_.md#const-extractargs)
* [hookGenerator](_utils_.md#const-hookgenerator)
* [makeSubResponse](_utils_.md#makesubresponse)
* [rpcHooker](_utils_.md#rpchooker)
* [rpcToRpcinfo](_utils_.md#const-rpctorpcinfo)

## Functions

### `Const` extractArgs

▸ **extractArgs**(`f`: Function): *T.Arg[]*

Defined in Utils.ts:110

Extract a string list of parameters from a function


Name | Type | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`f` | Function | The source function  |

**Returns:** *T.Arg[]*


### `Const` hookGenerator

▸ **hookGenerator**(`rpc`: T.HookRPC‹any›): *function*

Defined in Utils.ts:85

Utility function to generate [HookFunction](_types_.md#hookfunction) from a RPC


Name | Type | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`rpc` | T.HookRPC‹any› | The RPC to transform |

**Returns:** *function*

A [HookFunction](_types_.md#hookfunction)

▸ (`socket?`: I.Socket): *[HookFunction](_types_.md#hookfunction)‹T›*


Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`socket?` | I.Socket |


###  makeSubResponse

▸ **makeSubResponse**(`uuid?`: undefined | string): *[SubscriptionResponse](_types_.md#subscriptionresponse)*

Defined in Utils.ts:119

Simple utility function to create basic [SubscriptionResponse](_types_.md#subscriptionresponse)


Name | Type | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`uuid?` | undefined | string | optional uuid to use, otherwise defaults to uuid/v4  |

**Returns:** *[SubscriptionResponse](_types_.md#subscriptionresponse)*


###  rpcHooker

▸ **rpcHooker**<**SubResT**>(`socket`: [Socket](../interfaces/_interfaces_.socket.md), `exporter`: [RPCExporter](../interfaces/_interfaces_.rpcexporter.md)‹SubResT›, `makeUnique`: boolean): *T.ExtendedRpcInfo[]*

Defined in Utils.ts:59

Utility function to apply the RPCs of an [RPCExporter](../interfaces/_interfaces_.rpcexporter.md).

**Type parameters:**

▪ **SubResT**


Name | Type | Default | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
`socket` | [Socket](../interfaces/_interfaces_.socket.md) | - | The websocket (implementation: bsock) to hook on |
`exporter` | [RPCExporter](../interfaces/_interfaces_.rpcexporter.md)‹SubResT› | - | The exporter |
`makeUnique` | boolean | true | @default true Attach a suffix to RPC names  |

**Returns:** *T.ExtendedRpcInfo[]*


### `Const` rpcToRpcinfo

▸ **rpcToRpcinfo**<**SubResT**>(`rpc`: T.RPC‹SubResT›, `owner`: T.Owner): *T.RpcInfo*

Defined in Utils.ts:13

Translate an RPC to RPCInfo for serialization.

**Type parameters:**

▪ **SubResT**


Name | Type | Description |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`rpc` | T.RPC‹SubResT› | The RPC to transform |
`owner` | T.Owner | The owning RPC group's name |

**Returns:** *T.RpcInfo*