'use strict'; /* global Blob, FileReader */ const assert = require('bsert'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const WebSocket = require('./backend').Client; const Packet = require('./packet'); const Frame = require('./frame'); const util = require('./util'); const Parser = require('./parser'); const codes = require('./codes'); const blacklist = require('./blacklist'); /** * Socket */ class Socket extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.server = null; this.ws = null; this.protocol = ''; this.url = 'ws://'; this.ssl = false; this.host = ''; this.port = 80; this.inbound = false; this.handshake = false; this.opened = false; this.connected = false; this.challenge = false; this.destroyed = false; this.reconnection = true; this.time = 0; this.sequence = 0; this.pingInterval = 25000; this.pingTimeout = 60000; this.lastPing = 0; this.parser = new Parser(); this.binary = false; this.packet = null; this.timer = null; this.jobs = new Map(); this.hooks = new Map(); this.channels = new Set(); this.events = new EventEmitter(); this.buffer = []; // Unused. this.admin = false; this.auth = false; } accept(server, req, socket, ws) { assert(!this.ws, 'Cannot accept twice.'); assert(server); assert(req); assert(socket); assert(socket.remoteAddress); assert(socket.remotePort != null); assert(ws); let proto = 'ws'; let host = socket.remoteAddress; let port = socket.remotePort; if (socket.encrypted) proto = 'wss'; if (host.indexOf(':') !== -1) host = `[${host}]`; if (!port) port = 0; this.server = server; this.binary = req.url.indexOf('b64=1') === -1; this.url = `${proto}://${host}:${port}/socket.io/?transport=websocket`; this.ssl = proto === 'wss'; this.host = socket.remoteAddress; this.port = socket.remotePort; this.inbound = true; this.ws = ws; this.init(); return this; } connect(port, host, ssl, protocols) { assert(!this.ws, 'Cannot connect twice.'); if (typeof port === 'string') { protocols = host; [port, host, ssl] = util.parseURL(port); } let proto = 'ws'; if (ssl) proto = 'wss'; if (!host) host = ''; assert(typeof host === 'string'); assert((port & 0xffff) === port, 'Must pass a port.'); assert(!ssl || typeof ssl === 'boolean'); assert(!protocols || Array.isArray(protocols)); let hostname = host; if (host.indexOf(':') !== -1 && host[0] !== '[') hostname = `[${host}]`; const path = '/socket.io'; const qs = '?transport=websocket'; const url = `${proto}://${hostname}:${port}${path}/${qs}`; this.binary = true; this.url = url; this.ssl = ssl; this.host = host; this.port = port; this.inbound = false; this.ws = new WebSocket(url, protocols); this.init(); return this; } init() { this.protocol = this.ws.protocol; this.time = Date.now(); this.observe(); this.parser.on('error', (err) => { this.emit('error', err); }); this.parser.on('frame', async (frame) => { try { await this.handleFrame(frame); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e); } }); this.start(); } observe() { const ws = this.ws; assert(ws); ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; ws.onopen = async () => { await this.onOpen(); }; ws.onmessage = async (event) => { await this.onMessage(event); }; ws.onerror = async (event) => { await this.onError(event); }; ws.onclose = async (event) => { await this.onClose(event); }; } async onOpen() { if (this.destroyed) return; if (!this.inbound) return; assert(!this.opened); assert(!this.connected); assert(!this.handshake); this.opened = true; this.handshake = true; await this.emitAsync('open'); this.sendHandshake(); this.connected = true; await this.emitAsync('connect'); this.sendConnect(); } async emitAsync(event, ...args) { const handlers = this.listeners(event); for (const handler of handlers) { try { await handler(...args); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e); } } } async onMessage(event) { if (this.destroyed) return; let data; try { data = await readBinary(event.data); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e); return; } // Textual frame. if (typeof data === 'string') { this.parser.feedString(data); return; } // Binary frame. this.parser.feedBinary(data); } async onError(event) { if (this.destroyed) return; this.emit('error', new Error(event.message)); if (this.inbound) { this.destroy(); return; } this.close(); } async onClose(event) { if (this.destroyed) return; if (event.code === 1000 || event.code === 1001) { if (!this.connected) this.emit('error', new Error('Could not connect.')); if (this.inbound) { this.destroy(); return; } this.close(); return; } const code = codes[event.code] || 'UNKNOWN_CODE'; const reason = event.reason || 'Unknown reason'; const msg = `Websocket Closed: ${reason} (code=${code}).`; const err = new Error(msg); err.reason = event.reason || ''; err.code = event.code || 0; this.emit('error', err); if (this.inbound) { this.destroy(); return; } if (!this.reconnection) { this.destroy(); return; } this.close(); } close() { if (this.destroyed) return; this.time = Date.now(); this.packet = null; this.handshake = false; this.connected = false; this.challenge = false; this.sequence = 0; this.lastPing = 0; for (const [id, job] of this.jobs) { this.jobs.delete(id); job.reject(new Error('Job timed out.')); } assert(this.ws); this.ws.onopen = () => {}; this.ws.onmessage = () => {}; this.ws.onerror = () => {}; this.ws.onclose = () => {}; this.ws.close(); this.emitAsync('disconnect'); } error(msg) { if (this.destroyed) return; this.emit('error', new Error(msg)); } destroy() { if (this.destroyed) return; this.close(); this.stop(); this.opened = false; this.destroyed = true; this.buffer.length = 0; this.emitAsync('close'); this.removeAllListeners(); this.on('error', () => {}); } send(frame) { if (this.destroyed) return; assert(this.ws); if (frame.binary && this.binary) this.ws.send(frame.toRaw()); else this.ws.send(frame.toString()); } reconnect() { assert(!this.inbound); this.close(); this.ws = new WebSocket(this.url); this.time = Date.now(); this.observe(); } start() { assert(this.ws); assert(this.timer == null); this.timer = setInterval(() => this.stall(), 5000); } stop() { if (this.timer != null) { clearInterval(this.timer); this.timer = null; } } stall() { const now = Date.now(); assert(this.ws); if (!this.connected) { if (now - this.time > 10000) { if (this.inbound || !this.reconnection) { this.error('Timed out waiting for connection.'); this.destroy(); return; } this.error('Timed out waiting for connection. Reconnecting...'); this.reconnect(); return; } return; } for (const [id, job] of this.jobs) { if (now - job.time > 600000) { this.jobs.delete(id); job.reject(new Error('Job timed out.')); } } if (!this.inbound && !this.challenge) { this.challenge = true; this.lastPing = now; this.sendPing(); return; } if (!this.inbound && now - this.lastPing > this.pingTimeout) { this.error('Connection is stalling (ping).'); if (this.inbound) { this.destroy(); return; } this.close(); return; } } /* * Frames */ async handleFrame(frame) { if (this.destroyed) return undefined; switch (frame.type) { case Frame.types.OPEN: return this.handleOpen(frame); case Frame.types.CLOSE: return this.handleClose(frame); case Frame.types.PING: return this.handlePing(frame); case Frame.types.PONG: return this.handlePong(frame); case Frame.types.MESSAGE: return this.handleMessage(frame); case Frame.types.UPGRADE: return this.handleUpgrade(frame); case Frame.types.NOOP: return this.handleNoop(frame); default: { throw new Error('Unknown frame.'); } } } async handleOpen(frame) { if (this.inbound) throw new Error('Inbound socket sent an open frame.'); if (frame.binary) throw new Error('Received a binary open frame.'); if (this.handshake) throw new Error('Duplicate open frame.'); const json = JSON.parse(frame.data); enforce(json && typeof json === 'object', 'open', 'object'); const {pingInterval, pingTimeout} = json; enforce((pingInterval >>> 0) === pingInterval, 'interval', 'uint32'); enforce((pingTimeout >>> 0) === pingTimeout, 'timeout', 'uint32'); this.pingInterval = pingInterval; this.pingTimeout = pingTimeout; this.handshake = true; if (!this.opened) { this.opened = true; await this.emitAsync('open'); } } async handleClose(frame) { if (this.inbound) throw new Error('Inbound socket sent a close frame.'); this.close(); } async handlePing() { if (!this.inbound) throw new Error('Outbound socket sent a ping frame.'); this.sendPong(); } async handlePong() { if (this.inbound) throw new Error('Inbound socket sent a pong frame.'); if (!this.challenge) { this.error('Remote node sent bad pong.'); this.destroy(); return; } this.challenge = false; } async handleMessage(frame) { if (this.packet) { const packet = this.packet; if (!frame.binary) throw new Error('Received non-binary frame as attachment.'); packet.buffers.push(frame.data); if (packet.buffers.length === packet.attachments) { this.packet = null; return this.handlePacket(packet); } return undefined; } if (frame.binary) throw new Error('Received binary frame as a message.'); const packet = Packet.fromString(frame.data); if (packet.attachments > 0) { this.packet = packet; return undefined; } return this.handlePacket(packet); } async handleUpgrade(frame) { if (!this.inbound) throw new Error('Outbound socket sent an upgrade frame.'); throw new Error('Cannot upgrade from websocket.'); } async handleNoop(frame) { ; } sendFrame(type, data, binary) { this.send(new Frame(type, data, binary)); } sendOpen(data) { this.sendFrame(Frame.types.OPEN, data, false); } sendClose(data) { this.sendFrame(Frame.types.CLOSE, data, false); } sendPing(data) { this.sendFrame(Frame.types.PING, data, false); } sendPong(data) { this.sendFrame(Frame.types.PONG, data, false); } sendMessage(data) { this.sendFrame(Frame.types.MESSAGE, data, false); } sendBinary(data) { this.sendFrame(Frame.types.MESSAGE, data, true); } sendHandshake() { const handshake = JSON.stringify({ sid: '00000000000000000000', upgrades: [], pingInterval: this.pingInterval, pingTimeout: this.pingTimeout }); this.sendOpen(handshake); } /* * Packets */ async handlePacket(packet) { if (this.destroyed) return undefined; switch (packet.type) { case Packet.types.CONNECT: { return this.handleConnect(); } case Packet.types.DISCONNECT: { return this.handleDisconnect(); } case Packet.types.EVENT: case Packet.types.BINARY_EVENT: { const args = packet.getData(); enforce(Array.isArray(args), 'args', 'array'); enforce(args.length > 0, 'args', 'array'); enforce(typeof args[0] === 'string', 'event', 'string'); if (packet.id !== -1) return this.handleCall(packet.id, args); return this.handleEvent(args); } case Packet.types.ACK: case Packet.types.BINARY_ACK: { enforce(packet.id !== -1, 'id', 'uint32'); const json = packet.getData(); enforce(json == null || Array.isArray(json), 'args', 'array'); let err = null; let result = null; if (json && json.length > 0) err = json[0]; if (json && json.length > 1) result = json[1]; if (result == null) result = null; if (err) { enforce(typeof err === 'object', 'error', 'object'); return this.handleError(packet.id, err); } return this.handleAck(packet.id, result); } case Packet.types.ERROR: { const err = packet.getData(); enforce(err && typeof err === 'object', 'error', 'object'); return this.handleError(-1, err); } default: { throw new Error('Unknown packet.'); } } } async handleConnect() { if (this.inbound) throw new Error('Inbound socket sent connect packet.'); this.connected = true; await this.emitAsync('connect'); for (const packet of this.buffer) this.sendPacket(packet); this.buffer.length = 0; } async handleDisconnect() { this.close(); } async handleEvent(args) { try { const event = args[0]; if (blacklist.hasOwnProperty(event)) throw new Error(`Cannot emit blacklisted event: ${event}.`); this.events.emit(...args); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e); this.sendError(-1, e); } } async handleCall(id, args) { let result; try { const event = args.shift(); if (blacklist.hasOwnProperty(event)) throw new Error(`Cannot emit blacklisted event: ${event}.`); const handler = this.hooks.get(event); if (!handler) throw new Error(`Call not found: ${event}.`); result = await handler(...args); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e); this.sendError(id, e); return; } if (result == null) result = null; this.sendAck(id, result); } async handleAck(id, data) { const job = this.jobs.get(id); if (!job) throw new Error(`Job not found for ${id}.`); this.jobs.delete(id); job.resolve(data); } async handleError(id, err) { const msg = castMsg(err.message); const name = castString(err.name); const type = castString(err.type); const code = castCode(err.code); if (id === -1) { const e = new Error(msg); e.name = name; e.type = type; e.code = code; this.emit('error', e); return; } const job = this.jobs.get(id); if (!job) throw new Error(`Job not found for ${id}.`); this.jobs.delete(id); const e = new Error(msg); e.name = name; e.type = type; e.code = code; job.reject(e); } sendPacket(packet) { this.sendMessage(packet.toString()); for (const data of packet.buffers) this.sendBinary(data); } sendConnect() { this.sendPacket(new Packet(Packet.types.CONNECT)); } sendDisconnect() { this.sendPacket(new Packet(Packet.types.DISCONNECT)); } sendEvent(data) { const packet = new Packet(); packet.type = Packet.types.EVENT; packet.setData(data); if (!this.connected) { this.buffer.push(packet); return; } this.sendPacket(packet); } sendCall(id, data) { const packet = new Packet(); packet.type = Packet.types.EVENT; packet.id = id; packet.setData(data); if (!this.connected) { this.buffer.push(packet); return; } this.sendPacket(packet); } sendAck(id, data) { const packet = new Packet(); packet.type = Packet.types.ACK; packet.id = id; packet.setData([null, data]); this.sendPacket(packet); } sendError(id, err) { const message = castMsg(err.message); const name = castString(err.name); const type = castString(err.type); const code = castCode(err.code); if (id === -1) { const packet = new Packet(); packet.type = Packet.types.ERROR; packet.setData({ message, name, type, code }); this.sendPacket(packet); return; } const packet = new Packet(); packet.type = Packet.types.ACK; packet.id = id; packet.setData([{ message, name, type, code }]); this.sendPacket(packet); } /* * API */ bind(event, handler) { enforce(typeof event === 'string', 'event', 'string'); enforce(typeof handler === 'function', 'handler', 'function'); assert(!blacklist.hasOwnProperty(event), 'Blacklisted event.'); this.events.on(event, handler); } unbind(event, handler) { enforce(typeof event === 'string', 'event', 'string'); enforce(typeof handler === 'function', 'handler', 'function'); assert(!blacklist.hasOwnProperty(event), 'Blacklisted event.'); this.events.removeListener(event, handler); } fire(...args) { enforce(args.length > 0, 'event', 'string'); enforce(typeof args[0] === 'string', 'event', 'string'); this.sendEvent(args); } hook(event, handler) { enforce(typeof event === 'string', 'event', 'string'); enforce(typeof handler === 'function', 'handler', 'function'); assert(!this.hooks.has(event), 'Hook already bound.'); assert(!blacklist.hasOwnProperty(event), 'Blacklisted event.'); this.hooks.set(event, handler); } unhook(event) { enforce(typeof event === 'string', 'event', 'string'); assert(!blacklist.hasOwnProperty(event), 'Blacklisted event.'); this.hooks.delete(event); } call(...args) { enforce(args.length > 0, 'event', 'string'); enforce(typeof args[0] === 'string', 'event', 'string'); const id = this.sequence; this.sequence += 1; this.sequence >>>= 0; assert(!this.jobs.has(id), 'ID collision.'); this.sendCall(id, args); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.jobs.set(id, new Job(resolve, reject, Date.now())); }); } channel(name) { return this.channels.has(name); } join(name) { if (!this.server) return false; return this.server.join(this, name); } leave(name) { if (!this.server) return false; return this.server.leave(this, name); } static accept(server, req, socket, ws) { return new this().accept(server, req, socket, ws); } static connect(port, host, ssl, protocols) { return new this().connect(port, host, ssl, protocols); } } /* * Helpers */ class Job { constructor(resolve, reject, time) { this.resolve = resolve; this.reject = reject; this.time = time; } } function castCode(code) { if (code !== null && typeof code !== 'number' && typeof code !== 'string') { return null; } return code; } function castMsg(msg) { if (typeof msg !== 'string') return 'No message.'; return msg; } function castString(type) { if (typeof type !== 'string') return null; return type; } function enforce(value, name, type) { if (!value) { const err = new TypeError(`'${name}' must be a(n) ${type}.`); if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(err, enforce); throw err; } } function readBinary(data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (typeof data === 'string') { resolve(data); return; } if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') { reject(new Error('Bad data object.')); return; } if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { resolve(data); return; } if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const result = Buffer.from(data); resolve(result); return; } if (data.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const result = Buffer.from(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); resolve(result); return; } if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && Blob) { if (data instanceof Blob) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => { const result = Buffer.from(reader.result); resolve(result); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(data); return; } } reject(new Error('Bad data object.')); }); } /* * Expose */ module.exports = Socket;