"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const path = require("path"); const constants = require("./constants"); const utils_1 = require("./utils"); /** * Make function which will manually update changed files */ function makeWatchRun(instance) { // Called Before starting compilation after watch const lastTimes = new Map(); const startTime = 0; return (compiler, callback) => { if (null === instance.modifiedFiles) { instance.modifiedFiles = new Map(); } // startTime = startTime || watching.startTime; const times = compiler.fileTimestamps; for (const [filePath, date] of times) { if (date > (lastTimes.get(filePath) || startTime) && filePath.match(constants.tsTsxJsJsxRegex) !== null) { continue; } lastTimes.set(filePath, date); updateFile(instance, filePath); } // On watch update add all known dts files expect the ones in node_modules // (skip @types/* and modules with typings) for (const filePath of instance.files.keys()) { if (filePath.match(constants.dtsDtsxOrDtsDtsxMapRegex) !== null && filePath.match(constants.nodeModules) === null) { updateFile(instance, filePath); } } callback(); }; } exports.makeWatchRun = makeWatchRun; function updateFile(instance, filePath) { const nFilePath = path.normalize(filePath); const file = instance.files.get(nFilePath) || instance.otherFiles.get(nFilePath); if (file !== undefined) { file.text = utils_1.readFile(nFilePath) || ''; file.version++; instance.version++; instance.modifiedFiles.set(nFilePath, file); if (instance.watchHost !== undefined) { instance.watchHost.invokeFileWatcher(nFilePath, instance.compiler.FileWatcherEventKind.Changed); } } }