# bsock A minimal websocket-only implementation of the socket.io protocol, complete with ES6/ES7 features. ## Usage ``` js const http = require('http'); const bsock = require('bsock'); const io = bsock.createServer(); const server = http.createServer(); io.attach(server); io.on('socket', (socket) => { // Bind = listen for event socket.bind('bar', (data) => { console.log('Received bar: %s.', data.toString('ascii')); }); // Hook = listen for call (event + ack) socket.hook('foo', async () => { return Buffer.from('bar'); }); }); server.listen(8000); const socket = bsock.connect(8000); socket.on('connect', async () => { console.log('Calling foo...'); // Call = emit event and wait for ack const data = await socket.call('foo'); console.log('Response for foo: %s.', data.toString('ascii')); console.log('Sending bar...'); // Fire = emit event socket.fire('bar', Buffer.from('baz')); }); ``` ## Contribution and License Agreement If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that all code is your original work. `` ## License - Copyright (c) 2017, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License). See LICENSE for more info.