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- \title{192.127 Seminar in Software Engineering (Smart Contracts) \\
- SWC-124: Write to Arbitrary Storage Location}
- \author{Exercises}
- \date{WT 2023/24}
- \author{\textbf{*** YOUR NAME AND STUDENT ID ***}}
- \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}
- \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma}
- \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{Corollary}
- \newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{Proposition}
- \newtheorem{conjecture}[theorem]{Conjecture}
- \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition}
- \newtheorem{example}[theorem]{Example}
- \newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{Remark}
- \newtheorem{exercise}[theorem]{Exercise}
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- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- \section{Weakness and consequences}
- \subsection{Solidity storage layout}
- Any contract's storage is a continuous 256-bit address space consisting of 32-bit values. In order to implement dynamically sized data structures like maps and arrays, Solidity distributes their entries in a pseudo-random location. Due to the vast 256-bit range of addresses collisions are statistically extremely improbable and of little practical relevance in safely implemented contracts.
- \medspace
- In the case of a dynamic array at variable slot $p$, data is written to continuous locations starting at $keccak(p)$. The array itself contains the length information as an $uint256$ value. Even enormous arrays are unlikely to produce collisions due to the vast address space, although an improperly managed array may store data to an unbounded user-controlled offset, thereby allowing arbitrary overwriting of data.
- \medspace
- For maps stored in variable slot $p$ the data for index $k$ can be found at $keccak(k . p)$ where $.$ is the concatenation operator. This is a statistically safe approach, as the chance of intentionally finding a value for $keccak(k . p)$ s.t. for a known stored variable $x$, $keccak(k . p) == storage\_address(x)$ is about one in $2^{256}$ and $keccak$ is believed to be a cryptographically secure hash function.
- \subsection{The Weakness}
- Any unchecked array write is potentially dangerous, as the storage-location of all variables is publicly known and an unconstrained array index can be reverse engineered to target them. This can be achieved by using the known array storage location $p$, target-variable $x$, and computing the offset-value $o$ such that $keccac(p) + o == storage\_address(x)$.
- \medspace
- A trivial example of such a vulnerable write operation is shown in Algorithm 1.
- \lstset{style=mystyle}
- \begin{algorithm}[H]
- \begin{lstlisting}[language=Octave]
- pragma solidity 0.4.25;
- contract MyContract {
- address private owner;
- uint[] private arr;
- constructor() public {
- arr = new uint[](0);
- owner = msg.sender;
- }
- function write(unit index, uint value) {
- arr[index] = value;
- }
- }
- \end{lstlisting}
- \caption{A completely unchecked array write}
- \end{algorithm}
- \medspace
- In the following example (Algorithm 2) the $pop$ function incorrectly checks for an array $length >= 0$, thereby allowing the $length$ value to underflow when called with an empty array. Once this weakness is triggered, $update$ in Algorithm 2 behaves just like $write$ did in Algorithm 1.
- \medspace
- \lstset{style=mystyle}
- \begin{algorithm}[H]
- \begin{lstlisting}[language=Octave]
- pragma solidity 0.4.25;
- contract MyContract {
- address private owner;
- uint[] private arr;
- constructor() public {
- arr = new uint[](0);
- owner = msg.sender;
- }
- function push(value) {
- arr[arr.length] = value;
- arr.length++;
- }
- function pop() {
- require(arr.length >= 0);
- arr.length--;
- }
- function update(unit index, uint value) {
- require(index < arr.length);
- arr[index] = value;
- }
- }
- \end{lstlisting}
- \caption{An incorrectly managed array length}
- \end{algorithm}
- \section{Vulnerable contracts in literature}
- collect vulnerable contracts used by different papers to motivate/illustrate the weakness
- \section{Code properties and automatic detection}
- Automatic detection tools can be broadly categorized into ones employing static analysis and those who use fuzzing, i.e. application of semi-random inputs. Notable static analysis tools include Securify \cite{securify} and teEther \cite{teether} which both function in a similar manner:
- \medspace
- Initially, the given EVM byte-code is disassembled into a control-flow-graph (CFG). In the second step, the tools identify potentially risky instructions. In the case of arbitrary writes, the instruction of note is $sstore(k,v)$ where both $k$ and $v$ are input-controlled. The tools differ in the way they identify whether or not the values are input-controlled.
- \medspace
- In the case of Securify \cite{securify}, the CFG is translated into what the authors call "semantic facts" to which an elaborate set of so-called security patterns is applied. These patterns consist of building blocks in the form of predicates, which allows the tool to simply generate output based on the (transitively) matched patterns.
- \medspace
- teEther \cite{teether} employs a similar approach, but instead the authors opt to build a graph of dependent variables. If the graph arrives at a $sstore(k,v)$ instruction and a path can be found leading to user-controlled inputs, the tool infers a set of constraints which are then used to automatically generate an exploit.
- \medspace
- The fuzz-driven approach to vulnerability detection is more abstract, as general-purpose fuzzing tools generally don't have knowledge of the analysed program. For the tool SmartFuzzDriverGenerator \cite{fuzzdrivegen}, a multitude of these fuzzing libraries can be used. The problem at hand is, however, that the technique cannot interface with a smart contract out of the box. The "glue" between fuzzer and program is called a driver, hence the name of "driver-generator".
- \medspace
- SmartFuzzDriverGenerator aims to automatically generate such a driver by %TODO: I have no idea how it does this actually%
- \medspace
- The Smartian tool \cite{smartian} attempts to find a middle-ground between static and dynamic analysis by first transforming the EVM bytecode into control-flow facts. Based on this information, a set of seed-inputs is generated that are expected to have a high probability of yielding useable results. Should no exploit be found, the seed-inputs are then mutated in order to yield a higher code coverage. %TODO: This is probably extemely inprecise and should be re-written%
- \section{Exploit sketch}
- \cite{doughoyte}
- %TODO: just explain what this guy does: https://github.com/Arachnid/uscc/tree/master/submissions-2017/doughoyte%
- \bibliography{exercise.bib}
- \end{document}