{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "checkCash", "link": "check-cash", "type": "object", "properties": { "checkID": { "$ref": "hash256", "description": "The ID of the Check ledger object to cash, as a 64-character hexadecimal string." }, "amount": { "$ref": "laxAmount", "description": "Redeem the Check for exactly this amount, if possible. The currency must match that of the sendMax of the corresponding CheckCreate transaction. You must provide either this field or deliverMin." }, "deliverMin": { "$ref": "laxAmount", "description": "Redeem the Check for at least this amount and for as much as possible. The currency must match that of the sendMax of the corresponding CheckCreate transaction. You must provide either this field or amount." }, "memos": {"$ref": "memos"} }, "required": ["checkID"], "oneOf": [ {"required": ["amount"]}, {"required": ["deliverMin"]} ], "additionalProperties": false }