{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "accountDelete", "link": "account-delete", "type": "object", "properties": { "destination": { "$ref": "address", "description": "Address of an account to receive any leftover XRP after deleting the sending account. Must be a funded account in the ledger, and must not be the sending account." }, "destinationTag": { "$ref": "tag", "description": "(Optional) Arbitrary destination tag that identifies a hosted recipient or other information for the recipient of the deleted account's leftover XRP." }, "destinationXAddress": { "$ref": "address", "description": "X-address of an account to receive any leftover XRP after deleting the sending account. Must be a funded account in the ledger, and must not be the sending account." }, "memos": {"$ref": "memos"} }, "anyOf": [ { "required": ["destination"] }, { "required": ["destinationXAddress"] } ], "additionalProperties": false }